Public Lecture and International Symposium

Music and Modernity in East Asia:
Creating Research Databases

Musical Modernity in East Asia and Composition


【Part I Lecture】
Nakamura Noriko(Composer; Associate Professor, KCUA):
The composer’s East Asia
Ishida Kazushi (Music Critic) :
The formation of modern music culture in East Asia
Nakamura Noriko will talk about her compositions for traditional Asian instruments, and her engagement with a number of composers and performers in the East Asian region. Ishida Kazushi, the author of a pioneering compendium of composers and performers in Japan, China, Korea and Taiwan, will discuss the trajectory of modern music in the region, and the creation of a contemporary East Asian music culture.
【Part II  Lecture Concert】
Imafuji Masatar? (Nagauta shamisen) :
Tradition and Innovation in nagauta music
Performance and discussion in Japanese with Takenouchi Emiko (Associate Professor, Kyoto City University of Arts = KCUA), Takeuchi Nao (Lecturer, KCUA) and Yamaguchi Atsuko (Graduate student, KCUA)
Imafuji Masatar? hails from Kyoto and was designated as a Living National Treasure in 2013 in recognition for his role in transmitting the tradition of nagauta shamisen and in composing new works for traditional instruments.
In this session, he will present some of his compositions, and will engage in discussion with members of the Research Centre for Traditional Japanese Music (RCJTM). The discussion will focus on nagauta as both traditional and as modern music in contemporary Japan.
【Part III  Panel Discussion】
Nakamura Noriko, Ishida Kazushi, Imafuji Masatar?.
Anchor: Takenouchi Emiko


Thursday, November 20, 2014, 13:30〜17:30
Kyoto Shimogy?-ku Citizens Activity Centre


Symposium: Music and Modernity in East Asia: Creating Research Databases


Chae Hyun Kyung (Ewha Women’s University Music Research Centre)Issues in the Development of the Database for Research in Modern East Asian Music;
Wang Yingfen (National Taiwan University Graduate Institute of Musicology) The Music and Performing Arts Database of Taiwan Daily News, 1898-1944;
Hugh de Ferranti (Tokyo Insutitute of Technology)
Tokumaru Yosihiko (Guest Professor, RCJTM) Building music research networks in East Asia;
Luciana Galliano (Visiting Professor, International Reaserch Centre for Japanese Studies) Music as Representation:. Japan, Fluxus and the Fludisation of Art;
Kakinuma Toshie (Professor, KCUA) An Oral History of Fluxus;
Takenouchi Emiko (Assosiate Professor, RCJTM) RCJTM’s collections, databases and research agendas;
Alison Tokita (Director, RCJTM) Musical modernity and shared research agendas in East Asia.
In the computer age of “big data” issues of data storage, management, and use present challenges for research institutes around the world. The symposium will address these pressing issues, focusing on the approaches being developed for the purpose of music research in the East Asian Region. It will explore new possibilities for collaborative research projects and data sharing, particularly for research into musical modernity, a research theme that has been hindered by the colonial legacies in the region, but which is essential to our understanding of contemporary music culture, and the relative positioning of traditional and western music in these societies.


Friday, November 21, 2014, 10:00〜17:30 
Kyoto City University of Arts

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最終更新日:2014/10/2| 公開日:2014/10/2