

日本伝統音楽研究センター > 研究員・スタッフ > 時田 アリソン



時田 アリソンTokita Alison




1947年 オーストラリア・メルボルン生まれ

1969年 メルボルン大学(文学部)卒業

1973-1974年 パリ大学留学

1978-1979年 東京芸術大学留学

1989年 モナシュ大学(日本研究学科)博士号(論文博士)

2008年 モナシュ大学言語ディプローマ(韓国語)


1988-2010年 モナシュ大学日本研究学科専任講師、2003年より准教授

1995-2004年 モナシュ大学日本研究センター所長

2010-2013年 東京工業大学外国語研究教育センター教授

2013年4月 京都市立芸術大学伝統音楽研究センター客員教授;共同研究会「浪花節の語りの音楽様式を見極める」主宰




国際文化会館 (1976-)

東洋音楽学会 (1978-)

日本音楽学会(1993-2005; 2010-)

楽劇学会 (1993-)


日本漫画研究学会 (2004-2010)

芸能史研究学会 (2010-)


Musicological Society of Australia (1978-)

Asian Studies Association of Australia (1978-)

Japanese Studies Association of Australia (1978-)

Japanese Studies Centre, Melbourne (1981-)

East Asian Library Resources Group of Australia (1993-)

Association for Asian Studies (1996-)

Korean Studies Association of Australia (1999-)

Australia-Japan Society of Victoria (2000-)

British Association for Japanese Studies (1995-2001)

Japan Anthropology Workshop (1995-2005)

European Association for Japanese Studies (1997-)

International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) (2007-)


The art song and cultural identity in the colonial settings of East Asia and Australia



2016年 第33回田邊尚雄賞
1993年 第6回清栄会奨励賞(研究者部門)


2015 Japanese Singers of Tales: Ten Centuries of Performed Narrative, Ashgate, Farnham, Surrey. ISBN 978-0-7546-5379-0
1999 Kiyomoto-bushi: Narrative Music of the Kabuki Theatre. Kassel: Baerenreiter. (Studien zur traditionellen Musik Japans, Volume 8.) ISBN 3-7618-1469-0.


2013 “The piano as a symbol of modernity in the prewar Kansai”, in Music,Modernity and Locality in Prewar Japan: Osaka and Beyond, edited by Hugh de Ferranti and Alison Tokita. Ashgate Publications, Surrey, 93-119.

2012 「講式にみとめられる即興性の名残」 [Residual orality in kōshiki], in 藤田隆則、上野正章(編),『歌と語りの言葉とふしの研究』京都市立芸術大学日本伝統音楽研究センター, 157-179.

2012 “Takarazuka and the musical modan in the Hanshin region 1914-1942”. Re-thinking Japanese modernism. Edited by Roy Starrs. Global Oriental / Brill, 408-427.

2011 “Intimate encounters: Japanese and Australian marriages”, in Japanese and Australian identity in Asia, edited by Stephen Alomes, Peter Eckersall, Ross Mouer and Alison Tokita. Japanese Studies Centre, Melbourne, 99-115.

2010 “The piano and cultural modernity in East Asia” in Philosophical and Cultural Theories of Music, edited by Eduardo de la Fuente and Peter Murphy, Leiden: Brill Publishers, 221-242.

2010 “Introduction”. Black, Daniel; Epstein, Stephen; Tokita, Alison. In Complicated Currents: Media Flows, Soft Power and East Asia, edited by Black, Daniel; Epstein, Stephen; Tokita, Alison. Melbourne: Monash University ePress. pp. v–xx.

2010 “Winter Sonata and the politics of memory”. In Complicated currents: Media flows and soft power in East Asia, edited by Black, Daniel; Epstein, Stephen; Tokita, Alison. Melbourne: Monash University ePress. pp. 3.1–3.12. DOI: 10.2104/cc100003.

2008 “Japanese music: change and context” (co-authored with David Hughes). In The Ashgate Research Companion to Japanese Music, edited by Alison Tokita and David Hughes, Ashgate, Aldershot, 1-34.

2008 “Music of the kabuki theatre: more than meets the eye” (sole author). In The Ashgate Research Companion to Japanese Music, edited by Alison Tokita and David Hughes, Ashgate, Aldershot, 229-260.

2006 “Music in Fuyu no sonata: the Piano as a Bridge to European Culture in Borderless Musical Modernity”,in Festschrift for Tokumaru Yosihiko (special issue of Ochanomizu Ongaku Ronshū), Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, 201-212.

2006 “Translator’s Introduction”. In Haruko Wakita, Women in Medieval Japan: Motherhood, Household Management and Sexuality (translated by Alison Tokita), MAI Press, Melbourne, and University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, 1-9.

2002 “Australia as Takemitsu’s Other”, in A way a lone: on the music of Takemitsu Tōru, edited by Hugh de Ferranti and Yoko Narazaki, Academica Musicae, Tokyo, pages 11-19. ISBN 4-87017-071-X.
2002 「語り物の概念化にむけて」 (Towards a conceptualization of performed narratives), 『日本の語り物:口頭性・構造・意義』[Japanese musical narratives: orality, structures, meanings], 時田アリソン、薦田治子(共編著)日文研叢書no. 26, 7-23.

2002 「語り物の構造モデル」(Structural models of Japanese musical narratives), 『日本の語り物:口頭性・構造・意義』(Japanese musical narratives: orality, structures, meanings), 時田アリソン、薦田治子(共編著)日文研叢書no. 26, 42-54.

“Introduction”, Re-mapping Japanese culture (Japanese Studies: Communities, Cultures, Critiques, Vol. 1), edited by Alison Tokita et al., MAI Press, Melbourne, 1-10. ISBN 0 7326 1184 9
2000 “Introduction”, Identity Politics and Critiques in Contemporary Japan (Japanese Studies: Communities, Cultures, Critiques, Vol. 2), edited by Alison Tokita et al., MAI Press, Melbourne, 1-6. ISBN 0 7326 118 7

1997 「語り物の音楽分析」(Musical Analysis of Performed Narratives), 岩波講座:『日本文学史』 第 16巻. 久保田純(他)(編), 岩波書店, 299-321.

1996 “The Influence of Japan on the Music of Barry Conyngham” in Language and Cultural Contact with Japan, edited by Helen Marriott and Morris Low. Occasional Paper of the Japanese Studies Centre, MAI Press, Melbourne, 101-120 ISBN 0 7326 1131 8

1995 “The image of the yūjo in Japanese musical narratives in the Edo period (1600-1867)” in Representations of Women in Japanese Cultural Forms. Edited by Alison Tokita, Japanese Studies Centre, Melbourne, 1-20 ISBN 0 7326 0834 1


2013 Music, modernity and locality in prewar Japan: Osaka and beyond edited by Hugh de Ferranti and Alison Tokita. Ashgate Publications, Surrey. ISBN 978-1-4094-1111-6

2011 Outside Asia: Japanese and Australian identities and encounters edited by Stephen Alomes, Ross Mouer, Peter Eckersall, Alison Tokita. Japanese Studies Centre, Melbourne. ISBN 978-1-921775-81-9

2010 Complicated Currents: Media flows, soft power and East Asia. Monash ePress, Melbourne, Australia. Available online at: www.epress.monash.edu/cc. ISBN 978-0-9804648-8-7 (pb); 978-0-9804648-9-4 (web) Pages: 244. Co-edited with Daniel Black and Stephen Epstein.

2008 The Ashgate Research Companion to Japanese Music, edited by Alison Tokita and David Hughes, Ashgate, Aldershot. (SOAS Musicology Series) ISBN 978-0-7546-5699-9

2002 『日本の語り物:口頭性・構造・意義』(Japanese musical narratives: orality, structures, meanings), 時田アリソン、薦田治子(共編著)日文研叢書no. 26 (ISSN1346-6585). ISBN 4-901558-07-02.



2016 「浪花節における口頭性一「太閤記」ものの場合一」『日本伝統音楽研究』第13号、25-45頁

2012 “Bimusicality in modern Japanese musical culture”, International Journal of Bilingualism. 16(3), September 2012

2011 “Transnational lives: education immigration to Melbourne by Korean and Japanese children”, Polyphonia, no. 3, 69-91.

2008 “Performance and text: gender identity and the Kumano Faith”, Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific Issue 16, February 2008

2003 “The reception of the Heike Monogatari as performed narrative: the Atsumori episode in heikyoku, zatō biwa and satsuma biwa” Japanese Studies, vol. 23, no. 1, 59-85.

2000 “The Nature of Patterning in Japanese Narrative Music: Formulaic Musical Material in Heikyoku, Gidayū-bushi and Kiyomoto-bushi”. Musicology Australia, Vol. XXIII, 2000, 99-122.

1999 「一中節から常磐津節へ:語り物の音楽的変容と連続性」(From itchū to tokiwazu: musical change and continuity in Japanese performed narratives). 『日本研究』, no. 19, 53-78.

1996 “Mode and Scale, Modulation and Tuning in Japanese Shamisen Music: The Case of Kiyomoto Narrative”. Ethnomusicology (Journal of the Society for Ethnomusicology, USA) 40, 1, 1-33.

1996 “Anne Boyd and Asian music: the formation of a composer”. Japan Review, no. 7, 1996, 185-198.

1992 「清元節の音楽分析:語りの小段を中心にして」『芸能の科学』東京国立文化財研究所, 20 (143-206).









学会論文集 2016年
“The Singer of Tales as Itinerant Performer: the Michiyuki Trope”. Performance Studies international Fluid States 2015 Tohoku, Japan: Select conference proceedings. Edited by Peter Eckersall. Pages 224-242. Keio University Art Center, Tokyo 2016. ISBN: 978-4-9909155-0-6

2013 「戦前の関西におけるピアノ―近代のシンボル」『言語文化論集』[Word and Act], no. 18, 109-136.

2012 “Naniwa-bushi: modern Japan’s oral narrative”, 『言語文化論集』[Word and Act], no. 17, 134-54.

2010 Australia-Japan relations and Japanese studies in the age of globalization James Baxter (ed.) Globalization, Localization, and Japanese Studies in the Asia-Pacific Region(アジア太平洋地域におけるグローバリゼイション、ローカリゼイションと日本文化)

2003 “Performed narratives and music in Japan”, Oral Tradition, Vol. 18, no. 1, 26-29

1995 「語り物の世界」(The World of Narrative Music). 『日文研』 no. 13, 31-33.
1994 “The place of literature in Japanese Studies today”, Japanese Studies (Bulletin of the Japanese Studies Association of Australia), Vol. 14, no. 3, 1-8


2008 “Pre-tertiary education immigration to Melbourne by Korean and Japanese children and their families”. Proceedings of Fiftieth Anniversary Symposium on Current Status and Prospects of Sociology in Asia, Rikkyo University School College of Sociology, October, 2008

2008 “Conflict, popular culture and Korea-Japan relations: changing identities and networks”, Proceedings of the Second Afrasian International Symposium, Changing Identities and Networks in the Globalizing World: Negotiation, Conflict Prevention and Conflict Resolution in Everyday Life, edited by T. Hamashita et al., Afrasian Centre for Peace and Development Studies, Ryukoku University and Japanese Studies Centre, Monash University (ISBN 978-4-903625-63-8), 215-226.

2006 “Kirogi omma and Korean overseas students in Melbourne”. Published in the online proceedings of the 16th biennial conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia in Wollongong 26 Jun to 29 June, 2006:


2005 “Kyoul Yonga (Fuyu no sonata, Winter Ballad) and the future of Japan-Korea relations”, Proceedings of the Biennial Conference of the Korean Studies Association of Australasia, University of Auckland

2004 “Internet café cultures of Asia” in Marika Vicziany (ed.), Cultures and Technologies in Asia: the paradigm shifts (Proceedings of the conference held on 9-13 February 2004 in Mumbai, Maharashtra State, India, Monash Asia Intitute, 2004, ISBN 1 876924 31 4 , Monash University Press.

2002 “Katarimono ni okeru michiyuki: sekkyō-bushi ‘Oguri Hangan’ o chūshin ni (The mitiyuki in Japanese performed narratives: focussing on the sekkyō-bushi narrative Oguri Hangan)”, Proceedings of the Third Symposium on Global Perspectives in Japanese Studies, Ochanomizu University Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, 2-29 – 2-35

2001 “Crossing cultural boundaries in the context of marriage: Australian-Japanese marriages and the profession of Japanese studies” in Crossing Cultural Borders: Towards an Ethics of Intercultural Communication, edited by Shigemi Inaga and Kenneth L. Richard, International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto, 237-249

1999 “生きた文化交流をめざして:オーストラリアの日本研究”. 大阪教育大学教育学部紀要 Report of the Osaka University of Education Education Research Centre, no. 34, 81-94

1996 “Towards a history of Japanese narrative music”. Kyoto Conference on Japanese Studies, October, 1994, Vol. 3, International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto and The Japan Foundation, Tokyo, 233-244.

1995 “The application of Western narrative theory to Japanese musical narratives” in The Force of Vision (Proceedings of the Thirteenth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Assocciation, Tokyo 1991). Volume 3, Section IV Powers of Narration, 60-67.

1994 “常磐津節の音楽分析:一中節との悲歌にを中心に” 『沖縄音楽の真相と表層』 Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference of the Society of Research in Asiatic Music. Tōyō Ongaku Gakkai Okinawa Shibu, Naha, 53-56

1991 “Japanese influence on contemporary Australian composers” in Tradition and its Future in Music: Report of the SIMS 1990 Osaka, edited by Y. Tokumaru et al. Mita Press, Tokyo and Osaka, 465-473

1991 “Kabuki dance form and its relation to the structure of narrative music”, edited by Australia-Japan Research Centre, Australian National University. Papers of the Seventh Biennial Conference of the Japanese Studies Association of Australia.


Booklets and Pamphlets

2000 Orality, Structures and Meanings: Japanese Musical Narratives, Japan Foundation, Kuala Lumpur (25 pages)

1999 『道行と日本文化:芸能を中心に』日文献フォーラム.

1996 『日本伝統音楽における語り物の系譜:旋律型を中心にして」 日文研フォーラム.

1994 Japanese Music Archive: Catalogue. Japanese Studies Centre, Melbourne (51 pages) ISBN 0 7326 0557 1
1982 『日本古典古典音楽大系』第7巻「清元・常磐津・新内」(講談社)英文要旨・解説。講談社


2006 Haruko Wakita, Women in Medieval Japan: Motherhood, Household Management and Sexuality, MAI Press, Melbourne, and University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo. 脇田晴子『日本中世女性の研究』東京大学出版協会1992年

公開:2018年03月05日 最終更新:2018年03月12日

京都市立芸術大学 日本伝統音楽研究センター

600-8601 京都市下京区下之町57-1 京都市立芸術大学
TEL  075-585-2006 FAX 075-585-2019 共創テラス・連携推進課

©Research Institute for Japanese Traditional Music, Kyoto City University of Arts.
