in Japanese

Research Centre for Japanese Traditional Music

Kyoto City University of Arts

News Archive

Fiscal 2001

March 22, 2002:

Report on Lecture-Demonstration
“Music instruments and the human race (No. 1)” (February 16, 2002)

December 29, 2001:

Report on Special Lecture by Prof. Dr. Tilman SEEBASS (Chairman of the Institute for Musicology, University of Innsbruck)
“Ways of thinking about East Asian images of music” (November 21)

December 14, 2001:

Report on 2001 Lecture-Concert No. 1
“An invitation to gendai-hoogaku (contemporary works for Japanese instruments)” (November 28)
Related pages
Outline of the contents of the lecture (in Japanese)
Notes on the pieces and performers (in Japanese)
Concise chronological table of music for koto and shakuhachi (1920-2000) (in Japanese)

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Created on August 12, 2002
Last Update on August 9, 2002

(C) Research Centre for Japanese Traditional Music, Kyoto City University of Arts