in Japanese

Research Centre for Japanese Traditional Music

Kyoto City University of Arts

Special lecture

“Ways of thinking about East Asian images of music”

Prof. Dr. Tilman Seebass, Chairman of the Institute for Musicology, University of Innsbruck

With Japanese interpretation by Katsumura Jinko (Lecturer, Kunitachi College of Music and Keio University)

3:00-4:30 pm, Wednesday, November 21, 2001 Lecture room 2, 4th floor, Campus Plaza Kyoto

(North side of Kyoto Station, at the west end of the Central Post Office block)

Admission is free, but please take care to arrive in good time.

Organized by the Research Centre for Japanese Traditional Music, Kyoto City University of Arts
13-6 Ooe Kutsukake-choo, Nishikyoo-ku, Kyooto-shi, 610-1197
Tel 075-334-2240 (or 075-334-2395 for information in English)

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Created on October 24, 2001
Last Update on October 26, 2001
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(C) Research Centre for Japanese Traditional Music, Kyoto City University of Arts