in Japanese

Kyoto City University of Arts

Research Centre for Japanese Traditional Music

Special Lecture

This special lecture was given by Prof.Dr. Tilman SEEBASS, an adviser to the long-term research project on music iconography of the Research Centre for Japanese Traditional Music. Prof.Dr. Tilman's visit to Japan was facilitated by the JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Invitation Fellowship for Research in Japan.

The lecture, given in English, was translated by Ms.KATSUMURA Jinko, lecturer in musicology at Kunitachi College of Music and Keioo University (both in Tokyo).

Time: 3:00-4:30 pm, Wednesday, November 21, 2001

Place: Lecture room 2, 4th floor, Campus Plaza Kyoto

"Ways of thinking about East Asian images of music"

Photo 1
Photo 2

Photo 1 Large LCD screen at the Campus Plaza venue
Photo 2 Katsumura, Prof. Dr. Seebass, and Assoc. Prof. Nelson (of the Research Centre)

Photo 3
Photo 4

Photo 3From the lecture (haya-raigoo ,swift descent of Amitabha and bodhisattva musicians)
Photo 4 From the lecture (depiction of the medieval organ)

Photo 5
Photo 6

Photo 5 From the lecture (nanban-e, 16th-17th century Japanese paintings on Western models)
Photo 6 Director of the Research Centre, Prof. HIROSE Ryoohei,gives his impressions and expresses his thanks to Prof.Dr. Seebass

From the handout

1. Painter versus musician

2. Organological approaches in Western scholarship

3. Iconography and its use for reconstruction

4. Organology versus iconography

5. Visual object and visual meaning, or the signifier and the signified

6. The potential and the power of the visual - first example

7. The potential and the power of the visual - second example

8. Modes of thought - West and East

Announcement (2001.10.24)

Ways of thinking about East Asian images of music


Research Centre for Japanese Traditional Music Home Page
