in Japanese

Research Centre for Japanese Traditional Music

Kyoto City University of Arts

2001 Lecture-Concert No. 1:

“An invitation to gendai-hoogaku (contemporary works for Japanese instruments)”

The Research Centre for Japanese Traditional Music holds events open to the public as a means of bringing the results of its research to a wider audience. The first such event of fiscal 2001 was a lecture-concert entitled “An invitation to gendai-hoogaku (contemporary works for Japanese instruments)”, held in collaboration with the Kyoto Arts Centre on November 28, at the 1st floor Free Space of Kyoto Arts Centre.

Photo 1
Part 1, lecture in Japanese by Prof. NAGAHIRO Hitoshi, entitled “The beginnings and development of gendai-hoogaku (contemporary works for Japanese instruments)”
Photo 2
Part 2, performance of “Rinzetsu” from MIYAGI Michio’s Tegoto (1947), by SHIMADA Shigehiro (koto solo)
Photo 3
Part 2, performance of “Funda” and “Meian” from MOROI Makoto’s Chikurai Goshoo (1964), by MITSUHASHI Kifuu (shakuhachi solo)
Photo 4
Part 2, performance of HIROSE Ryoohei’s Midare ni yoru Hen’yoo (1980), by SHIMADA Shigehiro (koto solo)
Photo 5
Part 2, performance of HIROSE Ryoohei’s Tamafuri (1982), by MITSUHASHI Kifuu (shakuhachi solo)
Photo 6
Part 3, discussion about the pieces, Prof. Nagahiro, with Shimada, Mitsuhashi, and Hirose
Photo 7
Part 3, demonstration during the discussion, Mitsuhashi and Hirose
Photo 8
The venue and audience

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Created on December 14, 2001
Last Update on December 29, 2001

(C) Research Centre for Japanese Traditional Music, Kyoto City University of Arts