in Japanese

Research Centre for Japanese Traditional Music

Kyoto City University of Arts

2001 Lecture-Concert No. 1

“An invitation to gendai-hoogaku (contemporary works for Japanese instruments)”

Free lecture-concert, with lecture in Japanese and performances on koto and shakuhachi


November 28, 2001, 6:30pm-8:30pm


Kyoto Arts Centre, 1st floor, Free Space

(On Muromachi-doori, south of Takoyakushi-doori)

Tel: +81-75-213-1000


Part 1: Lecture
“The beginnings and development of gendai-hoogaku: Centering on works for koto and shakuhachi
NAGAHIRO Hitoshi (Professor, Research Centre for Japanese Traditional Music)
Part 2: Performance
From Tegoto (MIYAGI Michio) koto: SHIMADA Shigehiro
From Chikurai Goshoo (MOROI Makoto) shakuhachi: MITSUHASHI Kifuu
Midare ni yoru hen’yoo (HIROSE Ryoohei) koto: SHIMADA Shigehiro
Tamafuri (HIROSE Ryoohei) shakuhachi: MITSUHASHI Kifuu
Part 3: About the compositions: talking with the performers and composer
SHIMADA Shigehiro, MITSUHASHI Kifuu, and HIROSE Ryoohei, with NAGAHIRO Hitoshi


Participation is free, but seating is limited to 100 persons. Please send an oofuku-hagaki (reply-paid or double postcard), with your name, address, age, and phone number, to the following address, before November 10.

Research Centre for Japanese Traditional Music
Kyoto City University of Arts
13-6 Ooe Kutsukake-choo, Nishikyoo-ku,
Kyooto-shi, 610-1197

For further information, please contact the office of the Research Centre for Japanese Traditional Music, on +81-75-334-2240. If sending a postcard is impractical, please e-mail us at

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Created on October 5, 2001
Last Update on October 26, 2001
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(C) Research Centre for Japanese Traditional Music, Kyoto City University of Arts