in Japanese

Research Centre for Japanese Traditional Music

Kyoto City University of Arts

Record of Public Events

Fiscal 2002

January 17, 2003:

Lecture No. 2 of fiscal 2002
“Manifestations of the gods: form and meaning in rituals of Japan and Korea”

December 24, 2002:

Open Lesson
“Effective methods for instruction on the koto and shamisen: experience them yourself”

December 7, 2002:

Lecture-Concert No. 1 of fiscal 2002
“Music in Heike monogatari (The Tale of the Heike) No. 1”

Fiscal 2001

February 16, 2002:

“Music instruments and the human race (No. 1)”

November 28, 2001:

2001 Lecture-Concert No. 1
“An invitation to gendai-hoogaku (contemporary works for Japanese instruments)”

November 21, 2001:

Special Lecture by Prof. Dr. Tilman SEEBASS (Chairman of the Institute for Musicology, University of Innsbruck)
“Ways of thinking about East Asian images of music”

Fiscal 2000

March 10, 2001:

Symposium in Commemoration of the Founding of the Centre

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Created on October 23, 2002
Last Update on January 20, 2003

(C) Research Centre for Japanese Traditional Music, Kyoto City University of Arts