in Japanese

Research Centre for Japanese Traditional Music

Kyoto City University of Arts


“Music instruments and the human race (No. 1)”

Free lecture-demonstration, with presentations in Japanese and demonstrations on various wind instruments

February 16, 2002, 6:45 pm to 8:45 pm
Lecture Room 2, 4th floor, Campus Plaza Kyoto
(North side of Kyoto Station, at the west end of the Central Post Office block)


Introducing the issues

“What music instruments mean for members of the human race”
KUBOTA Satoko (Professor, Research Centre for Japanese Traditional Music)
“Music without instruments, music with few instruments, and music with many instruments: examples from the music of the northern peoples, centering on that of the Ainu”
TANIMOTO Kazuyuki (Director, Hokkaido Ainu Culture Research Center), interviewed by HIROSE Ryoohei (Director, Research Centre for Japanese Traditional Music)
“Were instruments conceived in this way?” (with performance on stone and clay flutes, various Japanese traditional flutes and the shakuhachi)
UESUGI Koodoo (Research Fellow, Research Centre for Japanese Traditional Music)

New developments at museums

In conclusion

In the final section of the event, we hope to include the audience in a lively discussion of the issues discussed in the presentations. Also in attendance will be specialists on Japanese music and instruments from various parts of Japan, gathered in Kyoto for a meeting of the Centre's research projects on music iconography and the reconstruction of music instruments.


Participation is free, but seating is limited to 250 persons. The lecture room will be open from 6:30 pm.

Sponsored by Kyoto City University of Arts


For further information, please contact the office of the Research Centre for Japanese Traditional Music, on +81-75-334-2240, or at the administration e-mail address below.

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Created on February 1, 2002
Last Update on February 1, 2002
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(C) Research Centre for Japanese Traditional Music, Kyoto City University of Arts