in Japanese

Research Centre for Japanese Traditional Music

Kyoto City University of Arts


(Materials on the Traditional Music of Japan) 2
Texts of Japanese Vocal Music II
Hade-gumi and Ura-gumi of the Shamisen Kumiuta Repertoire

The second volume in a new series of materials on the traditional music of Japan was published by the Research Centre for Japanese Traditional Music on March 31, 2003. It comprises a detailed study in Japanese of the texts of a total of ten pieces from the shamisen kumiuta repertoire, namely the seven pieces of the hade-gumi ('broken [i.e. unconventional] hand group') and the three pieces of the ura-gumi ('inner group') as transmitted today in the Nogawa school. In historical terms, these pieces follow the oldest layer of the repertoire, represented by the omote-gumi ('surface [i.e. first] group'), and date from the second half of the seventeenth century. Commentary on the texts was prepared by members of a team research project led by Prof. KUBOTA Satoko. The individual researcher responsible for compiling commentary on each piece is shown in the list below.

KUBOTA Satoko, ed. Hoogaku Kashi Kenkyuu II: Shamisen Kumiuta Hade-gumi, Ura-gumi [Texts of Japanese Vocal Music II: Hade-gumi and Ura-gumi of the Shamisen Kumiuta Repertoire]. Kyooto: Research Centre for Traditional Japanese Music, Kyoto City University of Arts, March 2003 (Nihon Dentoo Ongaku Shiryoo Shuusei 2).

Matsu ni gozare ('I am waiting'): SUZUKI Yukiko
('Nagasaki'): NISHIKAWA Manabu
Hira ya Komatsu ('Hira and Komatsu'): MANABE Yoshihiro
Kyoo-ganoko ('Dappled silk from the capital'): NAGAIKE Kenji
Shimousa ('Shimousa'): ONO Mitsuyasu
Kurenai ('Deep red'): SASAKI Mika
Katabachi ('One side of the plectrum'): YAMANE Michihiro
Shizu ('A lowly maid'): IGUCHI Haruna
Nishikigi ('Brocade stick'): NOGAWA Mihoko
Aoyagi ('Green willow'): SUZUKI Yukiko

Research Centre for Traditional Japanese Music, Kyoto City University of Arts
13-6 Ooe Kutsukake-choo, Nishikyoo-ku, Kyooto-shi, 610-1197, JAPAN
Tel: +81-75-334-2240
Fax: +81-75-334-2281


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